Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mexico, Mormons, Murder & Mitt

It’s nearly November and our country is in the midst of polarizing, political fisticuffs. At any given moment during the next few weeks you may hear one or more of these buzz-words: middle-class, Obamacare, economy , swing-state, Honey Boo-Boo, tax cuts, Taken 2, jobs, gays, guns and abortion. “Can you believe my opponent supports gay abortions at gunpoint?!” 

I find myself toeing the line between apathy and bewilderment. It’s not that I don’t care about the future of our country, I do. I resent having the same social issues debated in the media while important topics such as Iran, the NDAA, Social Security and the Federal Reserve go unmentioned. I try not to peddle my opinions via social media but, hey bro, this is a blog. It’s my duty to provide my readers with over-opinionated, under-investigated melodrama. Plus Facebook needs to know that I “like” Paul Ryan’s abs.

Politics aside, I’m really more concerned with the current state of Journalism. Whether it’s being spewed from CNN or Fox News, It’s oozing with thinly veiled bias. The days of journalistic integrity and hard-hitting, real-life reporting have succumbed to ratings, sensationalism and the almighty dollar. Luckily, Shane Smith and the good people at are mad (or crazy, or drunk, or both) as hell and are not going to take it anymore! 

Vice has consistently produced compelling exposes on global issues, traveling to places like North Korea, Libya and Pakistan - places riddled with atrocities that somehow manage to fly under the radar of mainstream media. Their latest video addresses an alarming escalation of violence from our neighbors to the south. Mexico, as a result of America’s war on drugs, has quickly become one of the most dangerous countries in the world. Cartels rule the border ruthlessly murdering rivals, police, journalists, civilians or anyone else that crosses them. One group that has dug in and fought back are the Mormons. That's right, Mormons. Vice traveled to Mexico to talk to members of these Mormon polygamist colonies - including the family of the GOP's golden boy. 

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