Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday Word of the Week

Irony (ahy-ruh-nee)

The use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.

"Irony is when someone writes 'your an idiot.'"

Alternate definition

A condition in which Rice-A-Roni is overcooked to a high density; hardened, burnt, and generally inedible

"Quinn's attempt at making an easy meal turned to irony and was far from a San Francisco treat."

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday Word of the Week

Bicker (bik-er)

To argue over petty matters; squabble.

"The young couples marriage seemed doomed for failure as they spent most of their time bickering."

Alternate Definition

One who uses a small plastic razor to shave their head completely bald.

"Balding men inevitably become bickers to try to preserve some sense of machismo, control, and dignity."