Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday Word of the Week

Frowzy (frou-zee)

Dirty and untidy; slovenly.

"After several days in the woods, the hikers appeared a bit frowzy."

Alternative definition

The disagreeable physical and mental effects of prolonged winter; unusually dull, sluggish, ornery.

"With snow still covering the ground near the end of March, Brad grew frowzy and irrational, cursing the weatherman and spitting at snowplows." 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday Word of the Week

Badged (baj)

To furnish or mark with a badge.

"Many people eagerly showed up to the ceremony in which the new Sherriff was badged."

Alternate definition 

Having a haggard, weary, or disheveled appearance - as from prolonged drinking; looking rough as a badger.

"After a whirlwind tour of Europe, Casey looked frighteningly badged on his first day back to work."