Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wednesday Word of the Week

Narcolepsy (nahr-kuh-lep-see)

A condition characterized by frequent and uncontrollable periods of deep sleep.

"Soup can be a dangerous dinner choice for people who suffer from narcolepsy."

Alternative definition

A state of seeming immortality derived from fifty years of narcotics consumption.

"Keith Richards stunned the crowd with one guitar solo after another maintaining his legendary narcolepsy."

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wednesday Word of the Week

Coronation (kawr-uh-ney-shuh n)

The act of ceremony of crowning a king, queen, or other sovereign.

"The coronation procession featured a gold stage coach pulled by eight white horses."

Alternative definition

The state of blissful ignorance brought upon by imbibing three (or more) cervezas; especially at the beach

"With sun on his face and sand on his toes, Casey basked in complete coronation."

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday Word of the Week

Dart (dahrt)

To move or throw suddenly or quickly

"Although lizards bask in the hot sun near motionless they will suddenly dart out of sight if threatened."

Alternate definition

A dog fart

"Biscuit gave me her best puppy-dog eyes as she unleashed an audible dart that echoed off the kitchen floor."

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday Word of the Week

Divert (dih-vurt)

To turn aside from a path or course

"The purpose of the colorful outfits rodeo clowns wear is to help divert the bulls attention from the fallen cowboys."

Alternative definition

A pervert who prowls diving wells at public pools staring at people underwater

"The divert practiced holding his breath all winter so he could stay underwater for eight weightless boobies in a row."