Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday Word of the Week

Rankle (rang-kuh l)

To cause severe and continuous irritation, anger, or bitterness

"After 30 years Bob's ex-wife still had a way of rankling him."

Alternative definition

An offensively strong odor on the joint between the foot and leg

"Kerri's insistence on wearing her Uggs everyday of the summer caused her to develop putrid rankles."

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday Word of the Week

Brook (broo k)

To bear; suffer; tolerate.

"The king declared he would brook no opposition from any of his followers."

Alternative definition

A book for bros. 

"The Little Collar that Popped was a staple brook in the PKE fraternity house bathroom."

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday Word of the Week

Umbrage (uhm-brij)

Displeasure or resentment; offense (in the phrase give or take umbrage)

"It is a risky thing to stand against such a near-universal outpouring of moral umbrage."

Alternative definition

Impressive or masterful use of an umbrella

"The tropical flash monsoon highlighted Eric's umbrage as he quickly covered both himself and his girlfriend without soaking his map, passport, or churro." 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Word of the Week

Abject (ab-jekt)

Utterly hopeless, miserable, humiliating or wretched

"The vast majority of native Haitians live in abject poverty."

Alternative definition

To projectile vomit Abita

“Joe, after drinking three pitchers of purple haze, abjected in an empty hand grenade in front of the Penthouse Club on Bourbon Street.”

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wednesday Word of the Week

Hedonism (heed-n-iz-uh-m)

The doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the highest good

"Many college students are willing to trade hedonism for altruism on spring break."

Alternate definition


The sinking feeling one gets when they learn there are no more cool headbands at Jazz Fest.

"When Anna saw her roommates return from the fairgrounds with beautifully unique headgear, she sulked to her room overcome with hedonism."